My time at Niwa has come to an
An amazing experience I recommend.
I’ve learnt all sorts of science-y
Had an exciting time, let the
memories ring…
Way back to February it was all “Arrgh
with a trip to Bluff for their deployment
you know.
Mobilising Argo Floats with ‘Our
Far South’ to the Southern Ocean,
to measure salinity, temperature,
and current motion.
In March, I discovered a love for
the Catlins,
the rugged habitat of little
Yellow-Eyed Penguins.
In Dunedin, a week on
values-based leadership.
Inspirational advice - it certainly
did equip!
A week at sea on the Tangaroa, a
memory I’ll always keep.
Taking water samples and sediment
from 3000m deep.
Down below Chatham Rise and then
sailing further north.
Hands-on science, while rolling
up and down, back and forth.
Back on land I had some assignments
to write.
And a trip to Baring Head was an
awesome sight.
Collecting air samples of winds that
from the Antarctic did blow,
for the Atmospheric Research Team
here and in San Diego.
In May I was surrounded by
thousands of specimens
of corals, starfish and some
strange phylum.
Fixing samples in ethanol for the
‘Collection Room’
was a fascinating time, as you might
Meeting with fellow Teacher
Fellows, another highlight,
on Workshop Days for Science curriculum
With neat friendships built and
fun times shared,
we’ll keep in touch for sure
throughout the year.
Over at Mahanga Bay helping with
an annual survey.
Measuring Paua and finding out just
what they weigh.
Crossed varieties for aquaculture
being explored.
Over 1200 measured in one day- a
new record!
Many more good times, things that
won’t fade.
Scientists are neat people. New
friendships made.
Yes, it is a bit sad that it all
has ended.
A 6-month Science Fellowship -
totally splendid!!
So it’s back to school and into
the classroom.
Helping kids passion for science
to bloom!
It has been fascinating watching and hearing all about the things you have done in the last 6 months.
ReplyDeleteThanks for sharing it - you have made following a science nerd fun!
All the best